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About Community Therapy Services Inc.

About CTS

Community Therapy Services is a private, non profit Agency that provides occupational therapy and physiotherapy  services to meet the rehabilitation service needs of individuals, care providers and care organizations in Manitoba. The focus of our services is to enhance the quality of life and optimize the health and independence of our clients by providing direct services, consultation and education through collaborative partnerships with government, regional health authorities, health care providers and other organizations.

You will find our referral forms on the services page.

Community Therapy Services Inc. (CTS) provides rehabilitation services throughout Manitoba and across the continuum of care.


To provide Manitobans with valuable rehabilitation services that promote participation and enhance quality of life.


  • Clients and caregivers are inspired and enabled
  • Living environments support maximal function and safety
  • Lives are enriched and meaningful


Collaboration – We value collaboration with our clients, their families, and their care teams, encouraging active participation throughout all aspects of service delivery, and respecting the skills of other health care providers.  
Respect – We foster an environment of respect, where the individuality and culture of our clients, our staff, and our partners is honoured.
Dignity – We uphold the dignity of our clients, recognizing the self worth of individuals and their right to privacy and confidentiality.
Accountability – We are accountable for our actions and take responsibility for all of our activities, ensuring the careful use of healthcare resources.
Professionalism – We strive for excellence and we are committed to professional standards. We are life long learners, with skill in comprehensive assessments and therapeutic interventions. We are constantly improving our collective knowledge regarding the medical, psychosocial, and functional challenges of our clients.
Teamwork – We value teamwork, recognizing that the CTS team of professional staff and administrative support is our most important asset.

Our Staff

CTS Management Team

Valentina Cornejo
Occupational Therapist

Executive Director


Carol Scott
Occupational Therapist

Manager of Therapeutic Services


Mauricio Silva

Business Manager

Board of Directors

Community Therapy Services is governed by a volunteer, not-for-profit Board of Directors.


Ken Maclean
(Retired Lawyer & Legal Consultant)


Emily Etcheverry

(Dean Emerita, College of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Manitoba)




Donna Collins

(Retired, College of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Manitoba)

Shanlee Scott

Terry McIntosh


Our Partners

Community Therapy Services enters in service partnerships with a number of different organizations and agencies.

Community Therapy Services is also affiliated with the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Manitoba through the provision of clinical placements for occupational therapy and physiotherapy students. Please contact Community Therapy Services if you are interested in learning more about our Agency and to find out if we can be of assistance in meeting your service or staff education needs.

For More Information Please Contact:

Valentina Cornejo
Executive Director